New Research Initiative


We are excited to announce a new research initiative with the goal to facilitate research of alumni while creating connections between graduates and current residents.

Our goal is to help provide much-needed resources to graduates through the WBAMC Orthopedics department and connect them with a current resident that they will work with on a research project that you are hoping to achieve. To start the process, please use the new form found under “residency” in the top right and click on “Alumni Research Outreach”. The WBTTOAA team will receive the project information and will work to find the perfect resident to match the alumnus with. To aid this process, try and be as specific as possible about what the project is and what resources you may require. The WBTTOAA team will contact you if more information is needed.

Currently we are unable to provide funding, however, separate organization research grants can be discussed with the resident once a match has been made.